Why Was Stevia Banned in Europe?

The controversy surrounding stevia largely stemmed from initial safety concerns. Studies suggested potential cancer risks associated with its consumption, which led to a ban in Europe. Despite its acceptance and long-standing usage in countries like Japan and Brazil, Europe opted for caution. Nonetheless, the European Union d http://miura-seikotsuin.com/  https://remontibudowa.com/  https://zaskakujacakuchnia.pl/  http://urzadzajzpasja.pl/  https://dlabiznesmena.pl/  https://casinomega888.com/  https://fk-vintage.com/purchase/shoun/  https://www.celeb-lady.jp/  https://foozoku.net/changed its stance in 2011, approving high-purity steviol glycosides as food ingredients.


Adding complexity to the narrative was the considerable influence of the food industry. Suspected financial motivations, such as competition with existing sweeteners, were thought to be behind the ban. The industry’s lobbying efforts also resulted in the approval of sweeteners, which could potentially be carcinogenic, while concurrently banning natural stevia. Nevertheless, regulatory requirements and safety concerns were the primary drivers of the initial prohibition.

The Initial Safety Concerns

The initial concerns about stevia’s safety were rooted in early studies suggesting its potential to cause cancer. These findings led the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to classify stevia as an ‘unsafe food additive,’ prohibiting its use as a sweetener in the United States. However, the speculation of financial motivations from the sugar industry adds a layer of complexity to the issue. Could the sugar industry’s potential fear of losing market share to stevia have influenced the ban?.

The initial prohibition of stevia put a damper on the enthusiasm for this natural, zero-calorie sweetener. However, as research evolved, so did the regulatory perspective, leading to a shift in the classification of stevia by the FDA from an ‘unsafe food additive’ to being ‘generally recognized as safe’ (GRAS).