Typical Applications of National Strategic Emerging Industries


Urban road traffic congestion is a pressing issue that requires innovative solutions. This article explores how national strategic emerging industries are being utilized to tackle this problem, with a focus on the Yangtze River Delta region. From regional bus operations to electronic toll collection and vehicle networking https://www.michaeljemery.com/

systems, these initiatives aim to improve transportation efficiency and reduce congestion. Discover the latest advancements and interesting statistics that are shaping the future of urban transport.

Addressing Urban Road Traffic Congestion
Regional Bus Operations

To meet the travel needs of residents in the urban and rural areas of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghai, regional bus operations have been introduced. According to Nanjing Ding Aimin, Director of the Municipal Transport Bureau, the Shanghai Jiading to Taicang regional bus passenger line is a pioneering initiative in the Yangtze River Delta. This service aims to facilitate travel for residents in adjacent towns and reduce congestion by providing an efficient public transport alternative.
Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) Network

In 2006, Shanghai, in collaboration with the Yangtze River Delta provinces, launched the Regional Electronic Toll Collection (ETC) network. By July 2010, this network was operational in Shanghai, Jiangsu, Jiangxi, and Anhui provinces. The ETC system streamlines toll collection, reducing traffic delays and improving road efficiency. The Yangtze River Delta is also promoting remote networking within the ticketing system and small-scale applications of the Yangtze River Delta card business.
Vehicle Networking System

The vehicle networking system, also known as the “Internet of Vehicles” (IoV), is a key initiative to address urban road traffic congestion. This system involves the integration of identifying, sensing, and interaction devices to provide intelligent management and services. By leveraging electronic information technology, vehicles are connected to a network via wireless communication, enabling real-time management and deployment.
Key Benefits of Vehicle Networking